Call for applications HaPoC-3 Grants

The HaPoC conference is the bi-annual conference organized by the DHST Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing. Researchers who are members of the HaPoC commission ( and intend to submit and participate to the Third HaPoC Conference can apply for a small grant (up to 400 EUR).

Preference will be given to participants who

(1) are unable to fund entirely their participation to the Conference through institutional or individual funding
(2) have the most fitting profile in the research area of HaPoC, as proven by current studies and previous research contributions
(3) have submitted to HaPoC-3 and have received the stronger evaluation at reviewing stage.

Applications should be sent before August 15 to:
Liesbeth De Mol

Decisions will be communicated at the latest by September 1, 2015.

Applications should contain:
– a short CV
– an estimate of expenses and indication of what other financial resources might be available
– contact information for a reference person

Participation to the Conference is an essential condition for receipt of the grant.