4th HaPoC International Conference

We are glad to announce that the 4th Edition of the International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing will be held in Brno, Czechia, from 4th to 7th of October 2017. The Programme Committee Chairs will be Helena Durnova (Department of Mathematics, Masaryk University) and Jiri Raclavsky (Department of Philosophy, Masaryk University). We will be posting more information soon.

HaPoC symposium@ICHST, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

We are happy to announce that Fabio Bertato and Henrique Cukierman will submit a proposal for the organization of the DHST/DLMPS HaPoC symposium titled “The Ubiquity of Computing: historical and philosophical issues”. We cordially invite all members of the commission to submit a proposal to this symposium. Please find below a detailed call for contributions to this symposium

Call for contributions to the HAPoC symposium proposal

The history of information and communication technologies (ICTs), despite its approximately 70 years, has already shown a rich accumulated experience coming from the most diversified initiatives, efforts and pioneering projects.

Fully incorporated into reality, to the point of being considered ubiquitous, ICTs can be considered mature enough to bring about a balance that seeks to account for its past and its origins. A more extensive study of their history surely contributes to establish a valuable research field and to consolidate an international community of historians and philosophers of ICTs, discussing and framing propositions that can help to inspire and produce future developments.

The DHST/DLMPST Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing is an Inter-divisionary Commission of the
Division for the History of Science and Technology and the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology.

As a DHST/DLMPST commission, HaPoC will organize a Symposium at the 25th International Congress of History of Science, and Technology (ICHST), which will be held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23 to 29 July 2017, with the general theme “Science, Technology and Medicine between the Global and the Local”.

The present Call for Contributions is an opportunity to evaluate papers related to the theme “The Ubiquity of Computing: historical and philosophical issues” to include them into the Proposal to be submitted to the ICHST.

Contributions from the most diverse areas of knowledge and professional practices are welcome, since the HaPoC Symposium is an interdisciplinary event, dedicated not only to the history of computation artifacts and informational processes, but also to the relationship between computer science and politics, economy, labour, university, education, social change, business, environment, public policies, science and technology, culture, arts and the humanities.

List of topics of interest (not exhaustive):
• The beginnings of computer science and technology.
• The links from the beginnings of computer science with mathematics and the beginnings of digital electronics.
• History and philosophy of computing issues.
• Logical foundations of computer science.
• The uses of computer in its early days and its process of integration to the academic field, the state and the productive sectors.
• The development of professional careers in academic computing.
• The development of research in computer science: its groups, its research institutions and their production.
• The development of information technologies in public and private institutions.
• The regional and international collaboration.
• National policies of informatics. The (lack of) contribution of state policies in national development.
• The development of communications and its historical, political and social links.
• Information technologies, culture and arts.
• The establishment of academic networks and their influence.
• The evolution of the Internet and the participation of institutions in this process.
• The issue of local cultures facing the globalized world of ICTs.
• The biographies of members and pioneers of ICTs projects .
• The existence, preservation and socialization of the heritage constituted by artifacts, press publications, documents and technologies used in different moments of the history of computing.

For this symposium, contributions should present different dimensions of the history and philosophy of computing, with arguments and propositions based on testimonials, documented sources, references, and discussion of related bibliography.

Submission details
We cordially invite researchers working in a field relevant to the main topics of the Symposium to submit a short abstract in English of approximately 250-500 words to hapoc2017riodejaneiro@gmail.com. The deadline is 15 April 2016. Acceptance notifications will be issued in early May 2016.

Second CfP HaPoP-3, 25 Paris 2016

Dear all,

we are happy to distribute the second call for papers of our third symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming. Thanks for forwarding it to interested colleagues and students,

best wishes,

Third symposium for the History and Philosophy of Programming
June 25, 2016
CNAM, Paris, France

/An affiliated event of
CiE 2016, Paris/

We are happy to announce the third Symposium for the History and
Philosophy of Programming. This symposium follows the first
<http://www.computing-conference.ugent.be/hapop12> and second
<http://www.computing-conference.ugent.be/hapop2> editions which
were organized in 2012 and 2014 respectively. It is supported by the
DHST/DLMPS Commission on the History and Philosophy of Computing
and the CNAM <http://www.cnam.fr/>.

One major challenge throughout the history of programming is the
development of an interface between humans, software and hardware.
It has been the task of the so-called operating system to: maintain
a file system; regulate access to resources; synchronize operations;
etc. Today, Operating Systems are usually equipped with Graphical
User interfaces (GUI) designed to give the “user” a “friendly”
experience thus hiding – and sometimes even rendering inaccessible
– much of the underlying structure and features of the computing
machinery. In which way is this changing our relation to machines
and what the unintended epistemic consequences are, is still to be

The aim of the current symposium is to offer an opportunity for
historical and philosophical reflection on operating systems and the
programs they coordinate. Our approach is interdisciplinarity and
openness towards different fields relevant to HaPoC. We were and are
strongly convinced that such trans- and interdisciplinarity is
necessary if one wants to reflect on a discipline such as computer
science with its multidimensional nature. The current symposium will
be organized in a similar manner and invites researchers coming from
a diversity of backgrounds, including historians, philosophers,
logicians and computer scientists who want to engage with topics
relevant to the history and philosophy of programming and more
specifically that of operating systems.

Topics of the symposium include but are not restricted to historical
and philosophical reflections on:

• Origin, evolution and future of OSs
• Design and Epistemology of User Interfaces
• Principles of Data Access, Control and Sharing, especially in
relation to OSs (e.g. the Bell-La Padula model)
• Privacy and Security in OSs
• Batch processing and time sharing systems
• Models, problems and techniques of concurrency, parallelism
and distributed systems
• Open source vs corporate software
• Programming paradigms and techniques (e.g. pair-programming)


We cordially invite researchers working in a field relevant to the
main topics of the symposium to submit an abstract of 500 words to:


Abstracts must be written in English. Please note that the format of
uploaded files must be .pdf or .doc.

In order to access the submission page, the creation of an EasyChair
account will be required.


Submission deadline: March 31, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April 22, 2016


Gaël Duval (Ulteo)
Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations)
Warren Toomey (Bond University, Australia)

Liesbeth De Mol (CNRS, UMR8163), Raphaël Fournier-S’niehotta (CNAM),
Baptiste Mélès (CNRS, UMR7117), Giuseppe Primiero (Middlesex


Maarten Bullynck (Université de Paris 8)
Martin Campbell-Kelly (University of Warwick)
Liesbeth De Mol (CNRS, UMR 8163 STL)
Gilles Dowek (INRIA, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification)
Raphaël Fournier-S’niehotta (CNAM)
Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Université Jean Moulin)
Baptiste Mélès (CNRS, UMR 7117 Archives Henri-Poincaré)
Camille Paloque-Berges (CNAM)
Maël Pégny (IHPST, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Tomas Petricek (University of Cambridge)
Giuseppe Primiero (Middlesex University)
Jacques Printz (CNAM)

For further information please contact us at: info@hapoc.org

In Memoriam: S. Barry Cooper

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing away of Barry Cooper on Monday, 26 October. Barry has been a great inspiration to many of us. His work for establishing a truly interdisciplinary and open community around computability, through the CiE Association and the Turing celebrations, has been inspiring for the HaPoC community in many ways and will keep affecting our own work for many years to come. Barry was involved in various HaPoC events and under his presidency the Conference of the CiE Association established a HaPoC Special Session as part of the standard programme. His enthusiasm, passion and generosity have made this possible and will hopefully find echoes in our own research. The HaPoC Community, like so many involved in the study of computability and beyond, will miss him greatly.

Agenda HaPoC GA

The provisional agenda for our first General Assembly, to be held on October 10 2015 at 6pm during HaPoC-3 in Pisa, is now available

HaPoC General Assembly at HaPoC3 in Pisa

During the Third International Conference on History and Philosophy of Computing (http://hapoc2015.sciencesconf.org/), the DHST/DLMPST Co-Commision will hold its General Assembly. The meeting is scheduled for Saturday 10th of September 2015 at 18:00. All members are invited to attend. If you have any request for topics to be included in the agenda of the meeting, please email the Commission at info@hapoc.org