HaPoC DLMPST Commission

The General Assembly of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science held in Helsinki on 06 August 2015 during its 15th Congress has approved the request of the DHST HaPoC Commission to become an Inter-Division Commission. The GA has also approved a motion to change the name of DLMPS to DLMPST: Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology. This website will be updated accordingly very soon!

Organisers for HaPoC Special Session at CiE 2016

In the last few years, the Computability in Europe Conference Series has hosted a Special Session on the History and Philosophy of Computing, organised in concert with the HaPoC Commission. The next CiE Conference will take place at the University of Paris 7, France. Also in this occasion, the HaPoC Commission has been asked to organise a Special Session and two colleagues have accepted to be in charge of selecting the Speakers for this event. We are now very pleased to announce the Organisers for the HaPoC Special Session at Cie2016:

– Ksenia Tatarchenko, NYU Shangai
– Alberto Naibo, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Call for applications HaPoC-3 Grants

The HaPoC conference is the bi-annual conference organized by the DHST Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing. Researchers who are members of the HaPoC commission (http://www.hapoc.org/membership) and intend to submit and participate to the Third HaPoC Conference can apply for a small grant (up to 400 EUR).

Preference will be given to participants who

(1) are unable to fund entirely their participation to the Conference through institutional or individual funding
(2) have the most fitting profile in the research area of HaPoC, as proven by current studies and previous research contributions
(3) have submitted to HaPoC-3 and have received the stronger evaluation at reviewing stage.

Applications should be sent before August 15 to:
Liesbeth De Mol

Decisions will be communicated at the latest by September 1, 2015.

Applications should contain:
– a short CV
– an estimate of expenses and indication of what other financial resources might be available
– contact information for a reference person

Participation to the Conference is an essential condition for receipt of the grant.

HaPoC3: Final CfP, Deadline Extension and Abstracts of Invited Talks

The DHST commission for the history and philosophy of computing (www.hapoc.org) is happy to announce the third HAPOC conference. The series aims at creating an interdisciplinary focus on computing, stimulating a dialogue between the historical and philosophical viewpoints. To this end, the conference hopes to bring together researchers interested in the historical developments of computing, as well as those reflecting on the sociological and philosophical issues springing from the rise and ubiquity of computing machines in the contemporary landscape. In the past editions, the conference has successfully presented a variety of voices, contributing to the creation of a fruitful dialogue between researchers with different backgrounds and sensibilities.

For HaPoC 2015 we welcome contributions from historians and philosophers of computing as well as from philosophically aware computer scientists and mathematicians. Topics include but are not limited to
• History and Philosophy of Computation (interpretation of the Church-Turing thesis; models of computation; logical/mathematical foundations of computer science; information theory…)
• History and Philosophy of Programming (classes of programming languages; philosophical status of programming…)
• History and Philosophy of the Computer (from calculating machines to the future of the computer; user interfaces; abstract architectures…)
• History and Epistemology of the use of Computing in the sciences (simulation vs. modelisation; computer-assisted proofs; linguistics…)
• Computing and the Arts: historical and conceptual issues (temporality in digital art; narration in interactive art work…)
• Social, ethical and pedagogical aspects of Computing (pedagogy of computer science; algorithms and copyright; internet, culture, society…)

Our invited speakers are Nicola Angius (Università di Sassari, IT), Lenore Blum (Carnagie Mellon University, USA), David Allan Grier (IEEE & George Washington University, USA), Furio Honsell (Università di Udine, IT), Pierre Mounier-Kuhn (CNRS & Université Paris-Sorbonne, F), and Franck Varenne (Université de Rouen, F).

The abstracts of the invited talks are now available at hapoc2015.di.unipi.it/invited

We cordially invite researchers working in a field relevant to the topics of the conference to submit a short abstract of approximately 200 words and an extended abstract of at most a 1000 words (references included) to www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hapoc2015

Abstracts must be written in English and anonymised. Please note that the format of uploaded files must be either .pdf or .doc. In order to access the submission page, an EasyChair account will be required. Please notice that what is called “abstract” in the EasyChair “Title, Abstract and Other Information” section corresponds to the short abstract of this call, and what is called “paper” in the EasyChair “Upload Paper” section corresponds to the extended abstract of this call.

Please check out the website of HaPoC 2015 for more information on the conference

Announcements of grants for participation will be made soon on hapoc.org

A post-proceedings volume is going to appear in the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology series, published by Springer.

Submission deadline: June 28, 2015 (EXTENDED, FIRM)
Notification of acceptance: July 19, 2015

The 2015 conference is located in Pisa, the cradle of Italian computer science: here the first Italian computers were designed in the mid-Fifties and the first Master course in informatics was established in 1969. The Museum of Computing Machinery, part of the University of Pisa, shows some artefacts from the early days of Italian CS, as well a selection of personal computing machines. Besides its artistic attractions, among them the world-famous leaning tower, during the days of the conference Pisa will host the Internet Festival, devoted to all the aspects of the net (www.internetfestival.it)

HaPoC request to become a DLMPS/DHTS Inter-Division Comission

The HaPoC DHST Commission has filed a request to the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science to be elected as DLMPS/DHST Inter-Division Commission. The request will be presented by HaPoC representatives at the DLMPS General Assembly to be held during the 15th Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science in Helsinki on 6 August 2015 (http://clmps2015.sched.org/type/dlmps+general+assembly#.VS6Bz3VGjUY).

HaPoC Special Session at CLMPS15

The 15th Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), one of the most important activities of the DLMPS (the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science), will be held in Helsinki from 3 to 8 of August 2015. The HaPoC Commission will be present at CLMPS with a Special Session on 7th of August, with the following programme (http://clmps2015.sched.org/?s=HaPoC):

7 August

11:00 AM – 01:30 PM
Session 1:

Putting Mathematics into the Computer: Implementation and Epistemology in Early Automated Logic
Stephanie Dick, Harvard University

Defining the semantics of proof evidence
Dale Miller, Inria/Saclay and Lix

Formalism and Computations
Peter Koepke, University of Bonn

02:30 – 04:30 PM
Session 2:

The Church-Turing Theses
Oron Shagrir, University of Jerusalem

Extending ourselves: how software changes inquiry.
John Symons, University of Kansas

Competing Claims to Computing as a Discipline
Matti Tedre, Stockholm University

05:00 PM – 07:00 PM
Session 3:

Using History to Make Software More Tangible
Edgar Daylight, Universiteit Utrecht

How do we know that a statement true in Computer Science?
Gilles Dowek, Inria/Deducteam and Mooc Lab


CfP: HaPoC 2015, 8-11 October 2015, Pisa

Call For Papers
HaPoC 3: Third International Conference for the History and Philosophy of Computing
8 — 11 October, 2015, Pisa

The DHST commission for the history and philosophy of computing (www.hapoc.org) is happy to announce the third HAPOC conference. The series aims at creating an interdisciplinary focus on computing, stimulating a dialogue between the historical and philosophical viewpoints. To this end, the conference hopes to bring together researchers interested in the historical developments of computing, as well as those reflecting on the sociological and philosophical issues springing from the rise and ubiquity of computing machines in the contemporary landscape. In the past editions, the conference has successfully presented a variety of voices, contributing to the creation of a fruitful dialogue between researchers with different backgrounds and sensibilities.

For HaPoC 2015 we welcome contributions from historians and philosophers of computing as well as from philosophically aware computer scientists and mathematicians. Topics include but are not limited to
• History and Philosophy of Computation (interpretation of the Church-Turing thesis; models of computation; logical/mathematical foundations of computer science; information theory…)
• History and Philosophy of Programming (classes of programming languages; philosophical status of programming…)
• History and Philosophy of the Computer (from calculating machines to the future of the computer; user interfaces; abstract architectures…)
• History and Epistemology of the use of Computing in the sciences (simulation vs. modelisation; computer-assisted proofs; linguistics…)
• Computing and the Arts: historical and conceptual issues (temporality in digital art; narration in interactive art work…)
• Social, ethical and pedagogical aspects of Computing (pedagogy of computer science; algorithms and copyright; Internet, culture, society…)

Our invited speakers are Nicola Angius (Università di Sassari, IT), Lenore Blum (Carnagie Mellon University, USA), David Allan Grier (IEEE & George Washington University, USA), Furio Honsell (Università di Udine, IT), Pierre Mounier-Kuhn (CNRS & Université Paris-Sorbonne, F), and Franck Varenne (Université de Rouen, F).

We cordially invite researchers working in a field relevant to the topics of the conference to submit a short abstract of approximately 200 words and an extended abstract of at most a 1000 words (references included) to www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hapoc2015

Abstracts must be written in English and anonymised. Please note that the format of uploaded files must be either .pdf or .doc. In order to access the submission page, an EasyChair account will be required. Please notice that what is called “abstract” in the EasyChair “Title, Abstract and Other Information” section corresponds to the short abstract of this call, and what is called “paper” in the EasyChair “Upload Paper” section corresponds to the extended abstract of this call.

Please check out the website of HaPoC 2015 for more information on the conference at http://hapoc2015.sciencesconf.org

A post-proceedings volume is going to appear in the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology series, published by Springer.

Submission deadline: June 19, 2015
Notification of acceptance: July 19, 2015

The 2015 conference is located in Pisa, the cradle of Italian computer science: here the first Italian computers were designed in the mid-Fifties and the first Master course in informatics was established in 1969. The Museum of Computing Machinery, part of the University of Pisa, shows some artefacts from the early days of Italian CS, as well a selection of personal computing machines. Besides its artistic attractions, among them the world-famous leaning tower, during the days of the conference Pisa will host the Internet Festival, devoted to all the aspects of the net (www.internetfestival.it)

HaPoC Council Meeting

On Tuesday 21 October 2014, the HaPoC Commission Council composed by Liesbeth de Mol, Giuseppe Primiero, Benedikt Loewe, Raymond Turner, Helena Durnova and gerard Alberts met in London. This was our annual Council meeting.

The discussion was focused on the present and the future of HaPoC, and its activities. In particular, the Council has considered:

– the current structure of HaPoC and the engagement of its members;
– the forthcoming Third Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing (stay tuned for more news soon!);
– the financial and administrative status of the Commission;
– the organization of other forthcoming events (again, be alert!);
– the possibilities of new activities and our publications plans.

The future of the HaPoC Commission is in all its members and the Council hopes to engage you more in leading the activities that are being planned. You will hear from us soon again with details of all the topics discussed in London!

CiE15 HaPoC Special Session

HaPoC is organising a new Special Session on History and Philosophy of Computing at the CiE2015 Evolving Computability Conference, to be held in Bucharest, Romania from June 29th to July 3rd. This new event will be organised by Marco Benini (University of Insubria) and Christine Proust (CNRS & Université Paris Diderot). The community is very grateful for their help in setting up this new Special Session and we are looking forward for a new exciting programme!