HaPoP 2018, Oxford – Call for extended abstracts

In a society where computers have become ubiquitous, it is necessary to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of computer programs, not just from the technical viewpoint, but from a broader historical and philosophical perspective. A historical awareness of the evolution of programming not only helps to clarify the complex structure of computing, but it also provides an insight in what programming was, is and could be in the future. Philosophy, on the other hand, helps to tackle fundamental questions about the nature of programs, programming languages and programming as a discipline.

HaPoP 2018 is the fourth edition of the Symposium on History and Philosophy of Programming, organised by HaPoC, Commission on the History and Philosophy of Computing. As in the previous editions, we are convinced that an interdisciplinary approach is necessary for understanding programming with its multifaceted nature. As such, we welcome participation by researchers and practitioners coming from a diversity of backgrounds, including historians, philosophers, computer scientists and professional software developers.

In addition to submissions in a wide range of areas traditional for HaPoP (outlined below), we especially welcome submissions that explore the nature of scientific progress with respect to computer programming as a discipline. We are interested in investigations concerning the methodology of computer programming, whether it follows a form of scientific method that allows it to increase its problem solving ability, whether its development more is akin to science, engineering or rather art, and what examples from the the history of programming can be provided to support either argument.

For more information, see the symposium web site at https://www.shift-society.org/hapop4/

New HAPOC council

We are happy to announce the new HaPoC council:

Edgar Daylight (Siegen University)
Liesbeth De Mol (CNRS/UMR 8163 STL Université de Lille)
Simone Martini (Università di Bologna)
Tomas Petricek, vice-president (Alan Turing Institute)
Giuseppe Primiero, president (Middlesex University)
Viola schiaffonati (Politecnico Milano)

We also take the opportunity to thank the previous council members for their work in helping to set up the commission.

HaPoC General Assembly: Agenda

We are happy to announce that the next HaPoC General Assembly will be held on Friday October 6, at 18:00, during HaPoC-4 in Brno. All members of the commission are cordially invited to attend the GA. For the agenda of the General Assembly, see the pdf below.

Colloquium “Unix in Europe and the United States: Innovation, diffusion and appropriation” and Roundtable “What is a (computer) program?”, 19-20 October, CNAM, Paris

It is our pleasure to invite you to the colloquium:

“Colloquium “Unix in Europe and the United States: Innovation, diffusion and appropriation”

held on October 19, 2017 at CNAM in Paris. More information including a detailed program can be found

The colloquium is associated with the pre-launch event of the research project “What is a (computer) program? Historical and philosophical perspectives” organized on October 20 2017, also at CNAM. More information about this event can be found

Invitation to Contribute to a Blog at the Online Communications of the ACM

The last blog entry here, by L. DeMol and G. Primiero, mentions one of the regular posts that I am now publishing on topics in the philosophy of computer science, at the online site of the Communications of the ACM, an international professional newsletter for both academics and professionals.
Find them here: http://cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-acm.
You may see my posts by searching for my name in “Author.”

Note that some posts are contributions from relevant publications and organizations, explaining their work. These so far include HaPoC, IACAP, the American Philosophical Association newsletter on philosophy and computers, and others. I invite more such contributions from bodies that wish to present and promote their research.

Please let me know if your group would like to participate.

Robin K. Hill
University of Wyoming
Adjunct, Philosophy
Adjunct, Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research

Invitation HaPoC General Assembly and Agenda

We are happy to announce that the next HaPoC General Assembly will be held on Friday October 6, at 16.30, during

2nd International Summer School for Sciences | History and Philosophy of Sciences | Technology | Education

2nd International Summer School for Sciences | History and Philosophy of Sciences | Technology | Education | New HPS-Educational and Fundamental Insights

2017, October 11th | Ecole Doctorale SHS, Lille University, Villeneuve D’Ascq, France
2017, October 12nd | MESHS, Lille, France
both venues 9h-17h30

Hosted by
Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC)
Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (MESHS) Lille, France
École doctorale Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (ED SHS) Lille University, France


Architecture, Art/Museum, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Instruments, History and Historical Epistemology of Sciences, Literature, Medicine, Nature of Science, Pedagogy, Philosophy of Sciences, Physics, Foundations of Science, Teaching-Learning, Reasoning and learning, Conceptual frameworks, Reasoning & Changes, Critical attitude, Theories & Situations, Didactic transposition, Schooling, Professionalization, Institutions, Techniques & Technologies, Science & Society.

Deadlines Fees [For Participants Summer School only]

Early Registration from 2017, September 1st to 25th: 125 Euro
Late Registration, from 2017, September 26th: 140 Euro
Closing Registrations & Payments: 2017, October 5th.
Poster Session (50×70 or 70×100 ONLY): 30 Euros [already printed. See also Language & Presentation].
Free fees: PhD and M2 Students from Lille University, Retired Scholars, UFR de Physique/CECILLE/CIREL/STL Members.


For info
Summer school Director, Prof. Raffaele Pisano